HDF5View: Generic SOFA file viewer
Konstantinos Nikolaou Software. Powered by Create your own unique website with customizable templates. Ing and simulation tools for soft robotics. Section3contains the theoretical foundation of our framework. Section5explains how direct and inverse models are implemented. Section6contains implementation aspects related to the SOFA plugin and Section7 presents examples of soft robots modeled and simulated with our framework. In this group, SOFA score was the only parameter which showed significant differences between survivors and non-survivors. Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) analysis revealed lactate to be the best overall predictor for increased mortality and further septic complications, irrespective of the leading injury.
SOFA files are based on netCDF-4. NetCDF is based on HDF5. HDFView is a generic viewer for HDF5 files running in Java.
Thus, SOFA files can be loaded and edited in the HDFView. This is a generic viewer; it allows to browse through all metadata and data in a numeric format only.
SOFA API for Matlab/Octave
SOFA API for Matlab/Octave aims at providing a basic interface for handling SOFA files in Matlab and Octave.
The releases are provided at Sourceforge. The sources are stored at github
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SOFA API for C++
An API for C++ is available online. The version 1.0 is in accordance with the AES69-2015 standard.
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The sources are stored at github.
If you have questions about this API, please send an email to the mailing list. You don't have to be a member of the mailing list to send a message to the list moderator.
pysofaconventions: SOFA API for Python
pysofaconventions is a SOFA API for Python made by Andrés Pérez-López (UPF/Eurecat, Spain). It is a full implementation of SOFA including reading and writing SOFA files, taking the C++ API as a reference. It supports automatic installation via the pip system.
pySOFA: Lightweight SOFA API for Python (read only, FIR only)
pySOFA is a SOFA API for Python made by Jörg Encke (TUM, Munich). The API is currently read-only and implements the FIR Datatype. It was implemented for a specific project and only implements a limited amount of features. If you have question about this API, feel free to contact Jörg Encke or to submit an issue report.
SOFASonix: Lightweight SOFA API for Python (read/write support, all conventions)
SOFASonix is another lightweight SOFA API for Python made by Ioseb Laghidze (ISVR, Southampton University, UK). It supports both reading and writing of SOFA files for the conventions defined at the time of writing. The API is a full implementation of SOFA with built-in validation-checks for compliance with each convention and a generator of convention templates for quickly creating SOFA files. SOFASonix runs on an SQLite database, making it backwards compatible with previous versions of each convention.
libmysofa: Lightweight SOFA API in C (reading)
Libmysofa is a light weight C-library intended to read SOFA files for spatial rendering.
It hardly has any library dependencies and is suitable for embedded devices. It can read SOFA files and check whether the data comply the 'SimpleFreeFieldHRIR' conventions. In addition, provides functions to look-up and interpolate the filters for a given orientation and to normalize the HRTFs to a reference level. It compiles unter Linux (CMake) and Windows (Visual Studio 2015).
WebSofa: SOFA API in JavaScript
WebSofa is slightly based on the libmysofa research for loading HDF files without much dependencies. However, in contrast to the low level c library this library is meant to be executed in a JavaScript environment (such as any modern browser or Node.js). So far it is not completed as it's just a hobby project, but it already allows to display properties of a given SOFA file. Try it out in the online demo.
sofa~: SOFA for Max
SOFA for Max is a collection of objects made by Dale Johnson and Hyunkook Lee (University of Huddersfield, UK) for using and creating SOFA files in Max. It is based on libsofa C++ API and enables SOFA files to be utilized in patches designed for spatial audio reproduction. The binaries are available for [ https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.3269271 MacOS and Windows].
Application: Spat
Spat is a software suite for spatialization of sound signals in real-time intended for musical creation, postproduction, and live performances made by IRCAM. It supports SOFA for binaural rendering.
Application: WaveCloud-M
WaveCloud-M is Matlab-oriented room simulator. Beginning with version 1.0, WaveCloud-M can use HRTFs saved in SOFA to render binaural signals.
Application: SOFAlizer plug-in for VLC player
SOFAlizer is a simple demo of an audio engine as a plugin for the VLC-Player.
Currently, Windows binaries of the VLC-Player 2.1 compiled with the SOFAlizer plugin are available. Details on the installation can be found here.
The source code is available here. The file sofalizer.c can serve as an example of how to load SOFA files in C++.
Shallow Foundation Types
Application: DirPat
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DirPat is a set of tools aiming at the analysis and visualization of the directivity of acoustic sources like loudspeakers, microphones, singers, talkers, and music instruments. DirPat consists of user interfaces, signal-processing tools, and a database of measured directivities which are handled as SOFA files.
Application: 3D Tune-In Toolkit
3D Tune-In Toolkit is a standard C++ library for audio spatialization via headphones. It was developed within the 3D Tune-In project aiming at using 3D sound and simulating hearing loss and hearing aids within virtual environments and games.
Application: Anaglyph VST
Anaglyph VST is a VST effect plugin for binaural rendering with SOFA files in a digital-audio workstation. Anaglyph includes a personalizable morphological ITD model, near-field ILD corrections, and HRTF parallax selection, among other features.